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Writer's pictureDr. Kevin Rehak

Eye Safety and Fireworks: Protecting Your Vision During Celebrations

Fireworks are synonymous with celebrations, from Fourth of July festivities to New Year’s Eve parties. However, amidst the dazzling displays, it's easy to forget the potential dangers they pose, especially to our eyes. Each year, thousands of people suffer eye injuries from fireworks, many of which could be prevented with proper safety measures.

Fireworks eye safety

The Alarming Statistics

Statistics from the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) highlight the severity of the issue. Each year in the United States, fireworks cause approximately 10,000 injuries that require emergency medical treatment. Out of these, nearly 1,300 are eye injuries. More alarmingly, a study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) revealed that 19% of these eye injuries result in permanent vision loss or blindness.

Children are particularly vulnerable. Data from Prevent Blindness, a leading eye health and safety organization, indicates that children under the age of 15 account for 36% of fireworks-related injuries. This underscores the importance of educating both children and their guardians about the risks and safety precautions associated with fireworks.

Common Eye Injuries from Fireworks

Eye injuries from fireworks can range from minor irritations to severe trauma. Common injuries include:

  • Corneal Abrasions: Scratches on the eye's surface, which can be painful and lead to infection.

  • Burns: Fireworks can emit sparks that cause thermal burns to the eye.

  • Lacerations: Sharp debris from fireworks can cut the eye, leading to serious damage.

  • Contusions: Blunt force trauma from fireworks can cause bruising and internal bleeding in the eye.

  • Foreign Bodies: Particles and fragments can get lodged in the eye, requiring surgical removal.

Preventive Measures

Preventing eye injuries from fireworks is crucial. Here are some practical tips to keep your celebrations safe and injury-free:

  1. Attend Public Displays: Whenever possible, attend public fireworks displays conducted by professionals. These are usually safer and allow you to enjoy the spectacle without the risk.

  2. Maintain a Safe Distance: Stay at least 500 feet away from where fireworks are being lit. Ensure children are supervised and kept at a safe distance.

  3. Use Protective Eyewear: If you must handle fireworks, wear safety goggles. Regular glasses or sunglasses do not provide adequate protection against potential debris and sparks.

  4. Read and Follow Instructions: Carefully read and follow the safety instructions on fireworks packaging. Never modify fireworks or use homemade ones.

  5. Have a Water Source Nearby: Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby in case of a fire or malfunction.

  6. Dispose of Fireworks Safely: After the display, soak used fireworks in water before disposing of them to prevent accidental ignitions.

What to Do in Case of an Eye Injury

Despite taking precautions, accidents can still happen. Knowing how to respond promptly can make a significant difference:

  • Do Not Rub the Eye: Rubbing can exacerbate the injury.

  • Do Not Apply Pressure: Avoid putting pressure on the injured eye.

  • Seek Immediate Medical Attention: Visit the nearest emergency room or contact an eye care professional as soon as possible.

  • Avoid Home Remedies: Do not attempt to treat the injury with home remedies like eye drops or ointments unless advised by a medical professional.


Fireworks are a joyous part of many celebrations, but they come with inherent risks. By understanding the dangers and taking appropriate safety measures, you can protect your eyes and enjoy the festivities without incident. Remember, your vision is precious—celebrate responsibly and prioritize eye safety.

For more information on eye safety and to schedule an eye exam, visit our website or contact our office today. Stay safe and have a sparkling, injury-free celebration!


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