In a world where we rely on screens more than ever, digital eye strain is a growing problem. Enter Relax lenses—an innovative solution that supports your eyes during prolonged screen use. These lenses feature a subtle increase in strength in the lower portion, easing the strain caused by focusing on close-up objects. Whether you're using a smartphone, laptop, or TV, Relax lenses help reduce headaches, eye fatigue, and discomfort by promoting better vision at all distances.
Why Choose Relax Lenses?
Relax lenses are single vision lenses with a slight close-range addition (0.25 to 0.75 diopters) that reduces the strain on your eye muscles. They’re perfect for individuals who spend long hours on digital devices, offering a noticeable relief from constant focus on the near field. These lenses are ideal for adults over 30 and young people who spend hours each day staring at their screens.
When to Get Relax Glasses
If you often experience tired or burning eyes, headaches, or difficulty focusing after using digital devices, it might be time to consider Relax lenses. The lenses are designed to assist your eyes in maintaining comfort and clarity when transitioning between distances, especially during near work like reading or computer use.
Additional Benefits of Relax Lenses
Not only do these lenses help with digital eye strain, but they can also be paired with a blue light filter for extra protection against screen glare and harmful light exposure.
To ensure you get the perfect pair of Relax glasses, you’ll need an updated prescription. You can schedule a free eye test in selected stores to determine if Relax lenses are right for you.
Take the first step towards reducing eye strain and enhancing your visual comfort. Book your eye test at a participating location and discover the benefits of Relax lenses firsthand. You’ll feel the difference immediately and enjoy greater comfort in your digital world.
Relax lenses are a great way to reduce eye strain! For even better comfort, try using a customizable black screen You can access this at With features like brightness adjustment and contrast control, it creates an eye-friendly environment, reducing glare during screen sessions.